We Pay You What Your Junk Car Is Worth!!

Salvage Yards: Economy and Environment Friendly

Salvage Yards: Economy and Environment Friendly

When you decide to junk your old car, you are helping yourself, the economy and the environment. It goes all with many benefits. On this article you will found out why.

Cash in a Flash!

On one typical day, you wake up in the morning with a worn out light bulb, a leaking pipe or a busted TV set. You just told yourself it’s a total disaster and you saw your old car sitting in the garage with cobwebs all over and you finally decided to junk it and convert it into cash. Well you are on the right track, cash is paid for junk cars wanted and we at New York City Auto Salvage and Glass has good appraisals for your old car. Just contact us and we’ll give you a quick quote.

We love the Environment

We care for the environment as much as you do. Here at New York City Auto Salvage and Glass we comply to the sanitation standards of the city ordinance in operating our salvage yard. We made sure that every chemical that comes with our salvage cars are processed with caution, stored and safety inspected every time. We forward the extracted chemicals such as oils, coolants, and lubes to certified disposal companies where it undergoes treatment re processed and recycled into renewable sustainable energy. We sort our used auto parts according to its type those who are potentially toxic live prions, carburettors and filters are kept in a different place to avoid health hazards. Workers and visitors always wear appropriate personal protective equipment on site for safety. New York City Auto Salvage and Glass prioritize the safety of everyone.

For the Economy

Salvage yards provide jobs and contribute to the economy, as a private sector operating business we don’t rely on government funding and we as a business helps in the circulation of money that serves as the lifeblood of the economy. We sell cheaper used auto parts for the consumers and releases the use of our natural resources for making new and more expensive auto parts. Today, salvage yards and cheap auto parts for sale is a growing trend in the automobile industry.

In conclusion there are more and more benefits of considering salvage yards for your old car and buying spare parts for repairs. If you want to be part of this trend, we at New York City Auto Salvage and Glass will look after you. Just contact us at 718 297 9797. See you there!